Thursday, January 17, 2008

Installing your FreeBSD on Qemu

Now that you have all the source. Installing FreeBSD on Qemu is first thing to be done. Let us follow the steps below.

Installing Qemu

To install Qemu on your Windows machine,

1. First extract to your operational directory.
2. Extract jqemu.rar into your Qemu directory. It will become jqemu.exe
3. Install Qemu accelerator (Kqemu) by double-clicking the .exe file and following the instructions.

Installing FreeBSD

1. Enter the DOS command prompt. Go to Qemu directory.
2. Create your image to be allocated for FreeBSD. Below is example if you want to create 2G of your HDD space as your image.

    qemu-img.exe create olip.img 2G

3. Now the image has been created. If you run the dir command, you will have new file olip.img with 2G of size.
4. Boot olip.img with boot image FreeBSD from CDROM.

jqemu.exe -L . -m 256 -hda olip.img -cdrom FreeBSD4.4-mini.iso -boot d -localtime

5. Install FreeBSD with the following partition table:

ad0a /
ad0b swap
ad0e /config
ad0f /var

6. Choose minimum installation
7. Now you have you FreeBSD installed into your system.

Should you have difficulties in installing FreeBSD, you can refer into FreeBSD installation tutorial like this link.



Anonymous said...

Tapi ngk berat ya Mas Dian.

Dian said...

Kita bisa specify amount of memory yang mau kita pake mas Ari.
dengan argumen '-m jumlah_memori' kita bisa tentukan. Untuk virtual machine yang menjalankan aplikasi ringan , ita bisa set dia 32m memori misalnya.

Mudah2an membantu :)